Wohoo! We are super excited to announce the release of JTicketing Event Manager App v3.2 today. This release brings a fresh new UI to the app and is a complete rewrite based on our Unite Framework based on Ionic 2.
Besides the new UI, we have also brought a new Sales view as well as a host of bug fixes. Read on to see the complete details.
The JTicketing App is available in 2 flavours on the AppStore & Playstore.
Only Search. No Support for QR Code Scanning
Full featured including QR Code Scanning to check in users !
Love the app and want one of your own? Get it customised now !
Read on to know the further details and the complete changelog.
This is our first release based on Unite framework. We will be blogging more about the framework and how developers can also start using it pretty soon. You can start following it on github immediately though! Some of the documentation is already up and those of you who can’t wait, can go ahead and dive in!
Moving to unite has brought with it the benefit of using reusable ionic components and what better way to showcase it than bring you something nice to look at ? So with this release events are showcased in a beautiful card view as well a improved Event details view.
We have combined the multiple views we had earlier to have one consolidated view that allows you to Search and add as well as use the filters to switch between Attendees with different statuses.
Not the greatest to look at but this view gives the event owner a quick view of his Overall Sales including fees paid and his earnings. We hope to improve this in upcoming versions.
This view gives a quick list of all the payouts made out to the event owner to date.
User is not able to login if he types or does copy-paste for the credentials
There is no notification when the ticket is scanned successfully and the 'duplicate' message when scanning an already checked in ticket only shows periodically
Once a ticket is scanned the app returns to the default list of events instead of staying inside the event itself, and appears to freeze when trying to re-select the event again
The app freezes when trying to scan another ticket after scanning the first test ticket
When logging in with other details, app still shows events of previously logged details
My Payouts does not have data and when pulled to refresh, the loader keeps on spinning
Showing "Something went wrong" if searching for wrong events
Tickets available is displayed as 0 when no one has bought the ticket
Attendee list search bar is not working properly (known issue)
Sometimes the scroll gets stuck and nothing happens in the app
When we check-in using select option, the data should get refreshed on the list view as well as details view
If we are showing Unlimited seats for an event, then there is no need of displaying Tickets Available
Pull to refresh on event details is not working
Value of total ticket should not change
Not able to login to JTicketing
Sometimes scanner scans a ticket only if we take the camera farther and not if the QR fits the camera
Sometimes JTicketing pro hangs while scanning
If logged in as techdemo3, not able to see any event in the app but if logged in as techdemo5, "walk in the wood" event is displayed which is created by techdemo3
On event detail page, ">" closing tag is broken in Samsung
On login page, Site URL and Username/Email symbol is breaking
Search and add view vertical scroll is not smooth
If admin edits the ticket type, current data get blank in app
Reduce the popup size for Scan and Add
Unpublish event get displayed in event list
On Attendee list, Message absent for blank attendee list
On Attendee list, Event name is not central aligned
Onclick button effect absent for scanner and search
Date format should be changed
Unnecessary beep when I cancel scanning
Unable to search event on all event page.
Loader absent on all event page
Wrong event id is being displayed
Start time and end time are getting wrong
Favicon icon required near the back button
Refresh page required for All event page
UI Improvements from forums
Old events, and events deleted from JTicketing are still shown in the app
Small text on the screen is hard to read when in a busy queue of people
UI issue on Event details
Values getting wrong on Check-In list .The total sold tickets and check-in list values are mismatched
Ui issue on Ticket sales -> label is not in centered
Remove the bouncing effect. Header bar should be stable
Data gets wrong in check-in list
Request URL not found related issue
Provide clear text button for search functionality
If user searches something & that is not available, then Display "No Result Found" message .
Application should not log-out , if internet connection is lost while using application (Display "No internet connection" message)
Add "location" of Event on Events Details page on all event page
Refresh button is required on Ticket sales page
Logout button is blur, it should be clear as other icon like refresh button
Add "ticket type" & "Checked/unchecked" label for Check-in List Page
Change placeholder message for search Text Field for Search & Add Page
Change label as "Ticket Type" on Attendee list Page
Add "Book ID" & "Ticket Type" label in Alert message
Change "Alert" word by App name in Check-in pop-up
Change placeholder message for Attendee List Page
Change placeholder on All Events Page for Search text fields
Application is displaying a wrong pop-up message (Alert : False) after check in
Display user friendly message instead of "Error Parsing JSON Request failed" (when site url is wrong)
Display a message " No data found" , when user clicks on the "Search & add" button (If there is no ticket for check in ) {Event view}
Application is displaying Totally white screen, when we open the app from 'recent app' tab
Display a pop-up "Do you really want to logout" (Yes or no) after clicking on logout button
Display a message "Qr CODE IS VALID" instead of "found a plain text" after reading bar-code
'Back' button is required in qr-code reader view
'Place a barcode inside the viewfinder rectangle to scan it' should be rotatable.
Bar-code reader is taking longer time to read the barcode (When bar-code is damaged)
Finding it difficult to understand the Check-in Graph
Add three dots instead of two dots after 'search' keyword (Search box)
Provide the facility to search attendee by entering booking id in attendee view (without space)
Search text is not getting cleared in attendee list view (Search box)
Display a message " No data found" when user try to search something which is not there!
Logout button should be there on each & every Page
Wrong count for ticket types sometimes
Reformat message after check in.
Jticketing Pro - cancelling scanning gives Invalid Barcode message.
Jticketing - android back button has an issue when going through list of attendees.
Jticketing - The app is horribly slow !
Jticketing - search and scan options not available in the free version ?
Not loading animations when some processing is happening
No highlights when I click on various areas. You have no idea what's happening and if u clicked or not
Jticketing - No splash screens. These are important to give a good impression of the app
If clicking on go button or enter button on device keyboard should work as submit.
Prepending ?http://? to a URL that doesn't already contain ?http://?
Show only Paid events and Split up it in to with current & past events
Verify event with booking ID while check in with scan and add
Changes to API for showing ticket type details and show user events