We are happy to announce the release of EasySocial App 5.3.1. The biggest of this release is that now the App works with EasySocial 2X. We have also added a feature to let users choose their language while logging in. In addition to these several bug fixes and minor ui/ux improvements have been made in this version.
Note that this app and API package only with with EasySocial 2x and won't work correctly with the 1x series. So please plan for doing an EasySocial 2x upgrade before you start with the app. Once you are ready, add a ticket to request an upgraded build on this package. Note that you need an active subscription to request updated builds.
The ES App 5.3.1 needs the API package 1.8.7 package which is also now available for download.

Like it and want one of your own ? Order a custom build today !
Read on for the complete changelog
- Create video - Under location, Between map and text field, gap has been given
- Share what's new - If I click on videos tab after clicking all the previous tabs, user is taken back on newsfeed page
- Create Videos - Cannot add location directly from app
- Videos - the settings icon is sticking to the video
- Newsfeed - Photos on newsfeed are not aligned properly
- Moto E - Registration - When I click on checkbox for 'I accept terms and conditions' the checkbox does not get checked
- Newsfeed - Photos - Photos from friends are not shown in the app, whereas it is displayed on the site
- Conversation - If no. of recipients have been added, on the list, only shows first recipient's name
- Conversations - If there are no. of recipients, name of the sender should be displayed
- Groups - Write on wall - Ellipses are not added if the name is long
- Friends - When there are friends in the list, red button type of thing is displayed
- Event - When there is no event, message displayed is "No Event found"
- Events - User goes to more options tab by default. User should be on 'All' tab
- Conversation - Delete button is sticking to the top
- Poll - If poll has multi select, show checkboxes. For single select, show radio buttons
- Share what's new - Consistency for Share button is not maintained
- Share what's new - If we tap share button without writing anything in the text box, message is shown as "Please write something"
- Poll - User is not able to select options
- The smiley for a newbie message is shown as oval shaped. On site, it is round
- Getting "Registration Failed" error while registering on the site
- Blank notifications are getting generated
- Some language constants are not translated in the app
- Notifications are not working
- "Log in with Facebook" functionality is not working
- Newsfeed - The delete/Hide option in the stream is getting overlapped with cover pic
- User should not get option for posting polls on friends wall
- If I tag a user, it does not get displayed in the videos details page
- No feed is shown on stream for discussion replies
- Me and Friends is not showing Friends feeds
- Language in the app is not translated
- Polls feature is not working
- The select language drop down goes blank when I perform any action
- Language is not changing
- UI of "Select a language" field is not identical to other fields on login page
- On Newsfeed, html tags are displayed for group discussion
- Hit on discussion functionality is not working from the app
- On albums list info, images count is shown as 21 whereas in the album only 20 photos are added
- On newsfeed, when user clicks on group type "General", user is redirected to a void group
- When new user registers, he is not redirected to newsfeed after registering successfully
- The dropdown of hide/delete stream is displayed when we invite friends on Events and Groups
- Event name is displayed twice in same feed
- If a group is invite only group, user gets the option for joining group
- User can view albums, if the group type is closed and user is not a member of the group
- If album is disabled for a group, still users are able to see the album
- APP crashes if click on a wrong link
- Two notifications are posted for one new discussion or reply on the discussion
- Join/Leave group and event link provided in the stream is not working
- Message is not displayed if there is no videos in My list
- In the app, showing all videos as Featured on details page
- EasySocial 2.0 - UI on newsfeed needs improvement - Profile pictures are sticking to each other
- EasySocial 2.0 - Sometimes not able to paste url/text in the app
- The message after joining an invite-only group is "Great! Your joined Group"
- When user does not have friends or conversations, the loader keeps on rotating
- If I delete an album, the app shows "Looks like API error"
- If we switch from http to https, app shows error message as "Please check your network connection "
- The time on newsfeed is getting merged with profile avatar in iPhone 5C
- Invite friends in groups is not aligned properly in iPhone 5C
- On groups page, When I leave a group the message says "Do you want to delete group"
- On videos, comma is added between please and enter
- Click on more to see all links, links are shown in one line and screen is not scrollable
- 403 error when we logout after Hiding and then undo the stream
- When we create new discussion, app throws warning message in Network
- "Hide this item" can be scrolled up in the news feed header
- Video edit option is not provided
- All videos are not displayed in the video section
- If we hide a stream from view profile, undo option does not appears
- When user uploads a video, by default a person gets tagged and when clicked on it, user gets redirected to its own profile
- Other users should not be able to delete another user's post unless the user is admin
- User is not able to unhide a post that has been hidden
- If we click on a link in newsfeed, it opens same link twice in the browser
- Current date is displayed in birthday for some users