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App Source code now available for download to subscribers !

App Source code now available for download to subscribers !

As you know as our subscribers, you are entitled to access to the source code of our core applications. Till now you had to request this using tickets. From now however we are making it easier for you to access the source code.

If you have an active Subscription, you can access the ‘Downloads’ menu under the User menu on the top right to find downloads for all the products you have access to. Note that this is the core source code and not the code that has customisations related to your site. As more apps start using AC Builder, customisation files specific to your applications will be available there.  Currently Easyblog supports AC Builder. Jticketing and Easyblog will start supporting AC Builder with the upcoming releases.

EasySocial App alpha 4 is here!
Easysocial app alpha 3 is here!