By Parth Lawate on Sunday, 23 October 2016
Category: EasySocial

EasySocial 2.0 Compatibility news

With the latest update from Stackideas on the release of EasySocial 2.0 Beta 1, the lines have been blazing with Subscribers asking about the compatibility of the app with EasySocial 2.0.

Well, I'm happy to announce that the development of the 5.3.1 Beta version of the EasySocial App along with respective APIs with changes needed to work in ES 2.0 are very much on track. As of now our testers have not reported any Major issues with the Beta app they have been testing. We should be able to launch the ES App 5.3.1 & API package 1.8.7 very quickly after Stackideas releases the stable version of ES 2.0.

Note that this will purely be a compatibility release and is not likely to add any new features. Continue reading for related updates.

Update, 5th November 2016 

Guys we have an update on the development status. While 90% of the app is now working great , we are still having some issues with the stream. In this version EasySocial has introduced action buttons on some of the stream events - Like RSVP from the stream etc.

Since right now we parse the ES HTML of the stream as it is, its not easy (without doing a lot of redundant code) to add this functionality or remove the buttons that won't work as yet via the app. On one side we have requested the EasySocial guys to see if a pure JSON version of the stream can be made available which will make it easier for us to work with the data and add new stream functions as it evolves. On the other side, we are working on a stop gap solution now to override the Stream UI to make it more compact in the app and also remove any non working buttons. 

As soon as these fixes are done, we should be able to release the ES 2.0 compatible app. 

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